Have you ever wondered why you experience wrist, neck or even back pain each time after using you use your desktop even after investing in an ergonomic chair? Well, probably it’s because your keyboard and mouse are not positioned well. Poor positioning of your peripherals forces you to strain to reach them. This forces you to strain your neck, back, and hands to get the job done, and before you realize it, you will be experiencing pain in these areas.
A keyboard tray helps you position your keyboard and mouse preventing any further strain. Besides, a keyboard tray allows you to tilt it in a natural, comfy position, enabling you to boost your productivity levels. To ensure you do not risk suffering long-term health complication, we have reviewed quality models brands in the market today to help you choose the best keyboard tray for your needs
KT2 Ergonomic Under-Desk Adjustable Height & Angle Sit to Stand up Keyboard Tray is ergonomically designed with adjustable mouse pads and proper monitor and keyboard height separation making it our best pick.
Best Pick

Budget Pick

Stand Steady Clamp on Keyboard Tray is affordable, easy to assemble with smooth sliding and extra surface making it our best budget pick.
Quick Comparison Between The Best Keyboard Trays and Shopping Guide
[table id=108 /]1. Stand Steady Clamp On Keyboard Tray

Highlighted Features
2. KT2 Ergonomic Under-Desk Adjustable Height & Angle Sit to Stand up Keyboard Tray

Highlighted Features
3. Fellowes Professional Series Compact Keyboard Tray (8018001)

Highlighted Features
4. 3M Keyboard Tray with Adjustable Keyboard and Mouse Platforms

Highlighted Features
5. Mount-It! Under Desk Computer Keyboard and Mouse Tray

Highlighted Features
6. Cartmay Adjustable Keyboard Tray

Highlighted Features
7. Humanscale 500 Keyboard Tray

Highlighted Features
8. Uncaged Ergonomics (WEKTb) WorkEZ Keyboard Tray

Highlighted Features
9. VIVO Adjustable Computer Keyboard & Mouse Platform Tray

Highlighted Features
10. Knob Adjust Under Desk Keyboard Tray by NYCCO